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Doug Gregg

22 MARCH 2023

23 Members attended the DMC year end AGM. This was the final meeting of Doug Gregg`s Presidency who took the chair for the proceedings.

Doug began by thanking those present for their attendance and support and commence to precis his period in Office.

Although there was a healthy membership of over 60 prior to the pandemic this dramatically fell to just over 20 as the Circle got underway again. Furthermore, as the programme of guest lecturers was maintained at our usual high standard, the income from membership fees was substantially lower than it was prepandemic. It was therefore, in accordance with our underlying ethos of a working Circle, essential that a programme of fund-raising shows should be organised. This programme resulted in the Circle almost breaking even.

Another major event of the year was the introduction of a new website. It had long been realised that our website was not offering the relevant and up to date information for guests and the Membership. It was decided to employ a professional web company to construct a new site. To this end “Effortless Websites” was employed under the stewardship of Fiona whom produced a new and professional site. This site is now used for all Membership information. Doug indicated it was essential for this site to be used as regular as possible by all the membership to ward off unwanted competition.

As part of an ongoing programme, the President`s Dinner held at the Mickleover Golf Club was a tremendous success, with over 70 members and guests seated to an excellent meal and magical cabaret by Oliver Tabor, Brian Sefton and our own Jack Dent. This event at £26 was equal, if not better, to similar Dinners throughout the country costing well over £50.

Doug hoped that he may be able to take a back seat for a little while but this has been scrubbed as he has just been voted as President Elect for the Northern Magic Circle, he suggested there is no rest for the wicked.

He concluded by a reflection of our lost magical friends over his Presidency namely :-

Simon Goodfellow, Mark Raffles, Eddie Dawes and Hedley Fawcett. We had a short break to remembers these, sadly missed magicians.

The President then asked for the reports from the various officers. These Reports will be presented in more detail by the various Officers at a later date.

However, in brief, our Secretary Steve Grundy, highlighted to various meetings scheduled and the progression of our new Web Site.

Our Treasurer, Tim Green took us through the Circle`s financial situation, reiterating the balance problems of our reduced Membership. However, due to our fund-raising programme we managed to almost break even. This resulted in a similar financial position as the previous year.

Stephen Brown, our Membership Secretary and President Elect, was enthusiastic about our increased membership figures which was still increasing. He also indicated that the various membership fees for the different class of membership was very cumbersome and needed correcting. To this end he suggested the membership fee should be changed to £45 for all membership categories except life members. Our Patron`s will stay at £12.

Clive and Jean, Promotions and Welfare had nothing to report this time.

Our renewed venture for our Junior Section was discussed by Paul Brown who explained his programme to re-establish this Section and how to involve the adult members in the development of these young magicians.

Due to difficult domestic problems, previous members had to resign their post of President Elect. This altered the sequence of election which had to be undertaken at the AGM.

Jean Ellison and Tim Green stood for election by ballet from which Jean took 10 votes and Tim 17. Tim was duly elected as President Elect for 2023.

As all the other Officers stood for re-election Stephen Brown took over the Presidency with the transfer of the chain of office.

Stephen then took over the Chair and finished off the Meeting.

The evening concluded with a Table Top sale where four members set up their tables to sell their magical goods.


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